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2 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. Nancy Sheila
    Jun 08, 2015 @ 17:32:44

    You are correct. For the past 9 months I’ve been looking and photographing the weird looking clouds in the sky. I took my photo editing tools and burned and dodged the clouds, More or less adjusting the contrast and getting into the details. What appears is amazing..it seems that there are interdimensional beings cloaked within the clouds, not behind the clouds. I have images of their spaceship showing through. They are humanoid. Faces look like us…not the oval eyed ETs. lt seems, from what I observe, they are trying to preserve a hybrid insect species…. with humanoid head and insect body (giant size).
    It seems that they are tapping into our atmosphere using our storms or creating storms, tornadoes, etc. using that energy for these hybrids to survive. (For example: Dr. Frankenstein way!)
    The average human doesn’t look up at the sky…cloaked Ufo are here every day, everywhere….but average person only sees clouds!
    I guess we are a select few that have been give the insight to see beyond.


    • itiscomingfromthesky
      Jun 10, 2015 @ 01:42:03

      Sometimes I wish I did not see what I see and did not know what I know… however, the toothpaste is out of the tube and won’t go back in… There is something going on in the plants and trees..
      I have seen (and filmed) the clouds fly across the sky, extend a portion downwards, stop over a tree, and something happen between whatever is in the trees and whatever is in the clouds. I
      find that inverting the colors on my camera helps me see what is really in the clouds… I have so much to say because I have finally heard from someone who sees them too! THANK YOU!!!


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